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This section covers the utility function to set up the project structure required by the aedesproject-uif Python package to work properly in the user's current working directory.



This function sets up the project structure by downloading and extracting certain directories from the aedesproject-uif GitHub repository. There will be model and processed directories, which will be empty, and a data directory, which will only contain the INFORM_DF_Variables.csv file.

Function Name



  • destination_path: The path where the project structure will be set up.


from aedesproject_uif import setup_project_structure

Important Note:

First, create a subfolder in the destination_path for the *.py or *.ipynb file that you will run (e.g. a subfolder named src). Create the Python file or Jupyter notebook that will perform the project structure setup in that subfolder, then run it.

Ensure that all Python files or Jupyter notebooks that contain the codes that run the processes in aedesproject-uif are saved and ran from that code subfolder.